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Wyeside Day Nursery ltd
26 Eign Road, Hereford, HR1 2RY
01432 358070

Forest School
We have two fully qualified forest School leaders at Wyeside Day Nursery whom ensure that the children really benefit from our fantastic Forest school. We also have regular Forest School Sessions with Amy who comes in to deliver tailored activities including toasting Marsh Mellows around the fire, using natural materials for the children to use their imaginations and skills to work individually and as a team to support their creativity.

‘The Best Kind of Classroom’
by Ian MacMillan
This is the best kind of classroom: No walls, just sky and trees. This is the best kind of classroom: No radiators, just a gentle breeze. You can learn well here, as the birds sing, about your place, in the scheme of things. You can make up poems, about woodland flowers, why its almost as interesting as the Literacy Hour! This is the best kind of classroom. It's a journey through time and space, from the smallest seed to the largest tree. This is a forest and a learning place. This is the best kind of classroom, where the seasons do not happen in books, where the learning is watching and thinking and talking, and everyone notices, everyone looks.

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