Wyeside Day Nursery ltd
26 Eign Road, Hereford, HR1 2RY
01432 358070

Information for parents, carers and friends of Wyeside Nursery
We have put together some information and links to help provide you with useful information. If you require particular information or have anything you would like to share with other parents then please get in touch with us...

Positive parenting partnership
We want our families to feel empowered within our setting and we understand what a difficult job raising children is especially when coupled with running a home and working. We understand that most families struggle from time to time and we are here to support you and if necessary put you into contact with agencies that may be able to help a bit more than we can. If you would like advice on any difficulties you may be experiencing from poor sleeping, toilet training to relationship problems or financial concerns then please speak to us in confidence as there is always a way forward .We can ensure you receive the best possible advice and help available .
Wyeside Nursery eco committee
An international programme of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and Eco-Schools aims to empower students to be the change our sustainable world needs by engaging them in fun, action-orientated learning.
Our Nursery will follow a seven step change process and empower our children to lead , processes and actions wherever they can.
Over time and through commitment to the Eco-Schools seven step process, improvements will be seen in both learning outcomes, attitude and behaviour of Children and the local community . Evidence of success in these areas will eventually lead to a Nursery being awarded ‘The Green Flag’.
If you would like to join our eco committee please let us know.

Children who have additional needs
We are fully committed to ensuring that every child has the right to quality , early years care and education regardless of their level of need. At Wyeside we have fostered the approach that everyone is welcome and we never turn a child away who has additional needs. We are able to fully support parents in identifying and accessing any additional support the family or child may need. We have experience of various medical and physical needs and practitioners are available to undertake any further training related to a specific need. If you feel that your family or child may need additional support or would like your child to attend mainstream nursery but are afraid you will be turned away , then please contact us for a confidential chat. You will be pleasantly surprised at what help is available. Click here to to see Herefords local offer for children with additional needs.

Our Wellbeing Station
Wyeside Day Nursery started the Wellbeing Station in the Summer of 2022. This is a blue shed which is situated in the main playground near the Rainbow room.
We created the Wellbeing station due to a lot of our families being affected hugely with the high energy increases and food costs soaring.
Since we started last summer we have been supported by
St Martins Food share who have regularly donated high levels of chicken deliveries and food boxes to share with our families.
Our existing parents have been wonderful by continuously bringing in donations of food, nappies, clothes, shoes, toiletries and toys to share with other families. Without this support we would not have been able to continue this project.
The shed is accessible to all our staff and families and has proven to be very successful Lots of our families are benefiting from this wonderful resource.
Wyeside Nursery will continue to support ALL our families needing a little help, whether it be food items or help in signposting to other agencies to enable their own wellbeing, mental health or family dilemmas.
Thank you to ALL that have made donations to our Wellbeing shed.