Wyeside Day Nursery ltd
26 Eign Road, Hereford, HR1 2RY
01432 358070
Our Covid Mission Statement
Please note we have not updated this page since early 2022. We will of course update it as and when necessary.
What we did to help prevent COVID and keep everyone safe.
It goes without saying that the safety of your child and our staff is our top priority. We have risk assessed, reviewed and updated relevant policies, and put into place. We are continuously working hard to take the necessary steps to keep the nursery safe and have developed and implemented a number of new ways of operating.
We will continue providing a high level of childcare to all our children. We have updated our risk assessments and policies relating to the new variant virus and any future lockdowns to ensure the highest level of safety is in place for our staff and children.
When we re-opened in June 2020 after the first lockdown we only opened for a small amount of children to start with. We ensured the children were placed into small, consistent groups that are being commonly referred to as “bubble groups” in their familiar activity room. Their key worker stays with them throughout the day (where possible) having free-flow play within their group. We endeavour to distance children from other groups of children. Children will still be able to see their peers playing on occasions in other areas of the nursery and soon got used to our new routine. We have lots of different learning areas and we do our best to keep their particular group segregated as much as possible from the other groups of children. We do our best to keep friends together with their appropriate age group.
Each bubble group has their designated outside play space and toilet facilities. All children have their own resources and equipment . Any shared equipment is limited and cleaned between each use. We always endeavour to make the best use of the nursery play areas and aim for large amounts of the day, when suitable, to be facilitated outside.
Strict cleaning takes place throughout the day and our nursery cleaner ensures that the nursery is cleaned for approximately 5 hours every day. The nursery has brought a Fogging machine that is used daily to sanitise all areas. The sanitiser used kills the corona virus.​​​​
As the months progress into the latter part of 2021 we "may" look at relaxing certain procedures but only after following government guidelines and of course informing our parents about any changes that we intend to make. If parents and prospective parents wish to view our risk assessments and nursery policies and procedures relating to covid then please click on the link at the bottom of this page. Or if you wish to speak directly to a member of the management team we will be more than happy to discuss it with you. (The variant updated documents are on the link at the bottom of this page highlighted in yellow) .
Protective measures we are taking in light of COVID-19.
First and foremost , it goes without saying that the safety of your child and our staff is our top priority. We are always continuously working hard, following the latest government guidance, to review, develop and implement a number of new ways of operating. This allows us to stay open as safely as possible, focusing on the measures that will help limit the risk of transmitting COVID-19 within our setting.
Some steps we have taken are outlined in our new procedures and precautions and are set out below:-
All staff have completed an online course called “How to prevent COVID-19 “and have certificates of proof. All staff have also had a new full induction before commencing work after the first lockdown.
We have a new collection and drop off point. Please enter the nursery up the normal arch walkway and press the buzzer. There will be taped floor areas to wait until you are able to reach the buzzer point. We will let you in as before but the pathway will be marked out in 2 metre blocks. You MUST keep your 2 metre distance from the person before you and behind you. A member of staff will then take your child and their bags from you at the STOP sign. You must then exit the nursery through the wooden side gate at the stop point and walk through the double metal gates to create a one way system.
Collection will be the same process but pre-school parents will be able to go through the wooden gate and wait by the black metal gates in the playground, still adhering to social distancing.
Members of Wyeside staff will meet and greet you at the “stop” point so please wait there until they come to you.
Staff will be wearing PPE whilst waiting with your child to be collected if a safe distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained (such as for a very young child or a child with complex needs ).
If a child from a bubble group develops symptoms of the corona virus we will contact all parents of the group the child has been in contact with to collect their child if they wish too.
Although the government say we do not need to take daily temperatures of all staff and children we want to still follow this procedure. This will continue and be reviewed weekly according to the rate of infection in the UK. We will take their temperatures approximately 15 minutes after arrival, at lunch time and anyone presenting with a temperature will need to be collected immediately.
Whilst waiting for a parent to collect the child who is isolating we will be using our sensory room as an isolation room and any child needing to isolate will have their key worker with them so they are not alone at any time.
We will be expecting staff to regularly read the government updates regarding the COVID-19 guidelines and changes. However we will also be updating staff of any changes to the government website where it affects their working practice.
All terms and conditions of the nursery contract with the parent will remain the same. Therefore if your child is off unwell or isolating you will still be required to pay full fees.
All soft toys, furnishings, malleable materials , messy play and toys with integral parts have been removed from the setting and stored to use when the infection rate is at a low level and the government and early years say it is safe to do so. We shall still ensure the setting looks and feels welcoming for all children.
The government advice on the scientific evidence shows that the outdoor environment is much more manageable in terms of virus transmission. Therefore we shall do as much creative learning outdoors where possible and weather permitting. Children will be kept in their bubble groups when outdoors with their key worker at all times.
Guidance says we can let children share resources. We will let children have access to some books but have limited amounts to reduce any transmission. After children have played with resources we make sure we store them out of use for 72 hours before being used again. All resources used will be ones which we can easily clean and sanitise.
On arrival we will take each child to the bathroom area to wash their hands and this will also take place frequently throughout the day and before eating.
All tables, chairs and surfaces will be frequently cleaned throughout the day.
If parents wish to speak to a member of staff or staff wish to speak to a parent they will be wearing PPE. Full Face shields and mouth coverings are not compulsory for childcare workers but we have them in place if the staff wish to protect themselves and this will be encouraged by management.
During any covid outbreak within the nursery staff will be asked to wear face shields or face masks. They do not have to , but it will be emphasised from management that it is for their own benefit.
We have a PPE station in the nursery reception area where staff can access all the PPE and cleaning products they require for their specific jobs. This is always adequately stocked from a company in Hereford and citron hygiene. We have also installed PPE disposal station units in every activity room.
Hand sanitiser units to protect staff and children from transmitting the virus have been placed in every activity room, office and reception. The hand sanitiser has a conditioner in it so it does not dry out the hands.
Tissues are supplied in all activity rooms for staff and children and when used will be disposed of immediately in our PPE disposal units.
When staff arrive at work they will be expected to put on their PPE in the reception area so as to not risk spreading any infection into the main nursery. Staff wash their hands as soon as they enter the nursery and often throughout the day.
Windows are kept open during the day to ensure an adequate ventilation of fresh air enters every activity room (subject to temperatures outside).
Children are able to access the outside areas within their groups throughout the day which will is staggered with other groups so children do not mix.
If any prospective parents want to view the nursery we will ask that only one parent attends. We will supply them with a mouth/nose mask , face visor and full length polythene disposable coat. We do not allow any other visitors into the nursery unless it is essential.
We have distanced beds & cots wherever possible for sleeping children.
Social distancing is maintained for staff breaks and break times are staggered to ensure there is enough space for all staff. Staff are now also using the reception area to have their breaks to ensure social distancing is maintained.
We are not presently taking children on any outings.
We have cancelled all yoga, ballet, Spanish and dance until we move into tier 1 and it is safe to do so.
We use disinfectant wipes to clean all lunch boxes that come into nursery .
We continue to thoroughly clean our hands more than usual. We have developed routines to ensure children understand when and how to wash their hands, making sure they wash them throughly for at least 20 seconds using running water and soap and dry them thoroughly , or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered.
We try to ensure our children understand good respiratory hygiene by promoting the “catch it, bin it, kill it “ approach and ensure a good supply of tissues and bins are throughout the setting.
We have implemented an enhanced cleaning schedule, ensuring surfaces touched by children and staff are cleaned regularly and throughout the day, including table tops, door handles and play equipment.
We have asked children do not bring toys from home to the setting , unless this is essential to their health and wellbeing. For example a comforter from home is fine and will help them settle back into the nursery after such a long time away.
At present we are not taking any further play scheme bookings for children outside our bubble groups within the nursery. We will only be allowing siblings to attend in the play schemes. We will of course be possibly looking at updating this for Summer half term. 2021
What can parents and carers do to help?
There are a number of things parents and carers can do to help us make these arrangements effective, in addition to the points listed above concerning arrival and departure and not bringing toys to the setting.
If someone in your household has symptoms of coronavirus please can you follow the government guidelines on isolating and not bring your child into nursery for the full isolation period of 7 days and their household for 14 days, unless they are tested and have a negative test result and are advised that they can return.We would like you to inform us of the situation so we are aware.
If you child develops the symptoms of coronavirus whilst at the nursery then we will be asking you to collect your child immediately.
Please can you talk to your children (where possible) about the changes that we are making so they have some idea of what to expect.
Please can you make sure that your child has washed their hands before they leave home to travel to the nursery.
We ask that NO pushchairs are left on the nursery premises and are taken with you.
Please can you ensure your child is brought to nursery wearing freshly laundered clothing and that the clothes are again washed daily.
For those parents who wish to bring in babies bottles you may but we ask you to ensure they are wiped with a disinfectant cloth before bringing to nursery.
We ask that parents respect the social distancing guidance when speaking to a member of staff.
if your child brings in their own lunch can you please ensure that your child’s lunch box is made of hard plastic and that you wipe it with a disinfectant cloth before bringing to nursery.
We are asking that all parents and carers to physically distance from each other and from staff when dropping off and collecting their children and to limit drop off and collection to one parent or carer per household.
Please can we ask that you regularly read the government updates regarding the corona virus guidelines and changes.
Please do not send your child if they are ill or you have given them Calpol.
We ask all parents and carers to ensure they organise a test for their child, in the event that they develop coronavirus symptoms, and notify us immediately of the test result.
Now that there are four different vaccinations available for COVID-19 we would ask kindly that all parents inform us when they have had the vaccine . The public health have asked nurseries to ensure that you have all your child’s vaccinations fully up-to-date. Please let us know if this is not the case.
A reminder of symptoms to look out for are :-
The most important symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of any of the following:
a new continuous cough
a high temperature
a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.